
Showing posts from June, 2009

Future Trip Plan

Yue is going to High School, Yuan is going to Grade 6. To celebrate their studies and grow-up, and have high quality family time, the following dream travel plans are listed: Canada Railway - (2012 when Yue high school graduation) Europe Trip (2016 when Yue university and Yuan high school graduation) Around China Trip (2020 when Yuan university and Yue Master degree celbration) South-American Trip (2024 when Yuan is doing Doctor study) Yahoo.........

beautiful flower under full moon

2 sisiters, named as Yue and Yuan, from 花好月圆 which means beautiful flower under full moon, from Chinese 4-character idiom. 【成 语】: 花好月圆 - spelling 【拼 音】: huā hǎo yuè yuán - pronounciation 【解 释】: 花儿正盛开,月亮正圆满。比喻美好圆满。 【出 处】: 宋·张先《木兰花》词:“人意共怜花月满,花好月圆人又散。欢情去逐远云空,往事过如幽梦断。” 【出 处】: 宋·晁端礼《行香子·别恨》词:“莫思身外,且逗尊前,愿花长好,人长健,月长圆。”