China Trip for Girls

First of all, I heartly thank God for giving us two lovely daughters, now I am not jealous others' boy anymore:) just kidding.

YueYue is doing great at University and YuanYuan is going to High School this Fall (she decided to turn down the invitation from OSA and go to nearby school), and we are very proud of them. But look at the post at 2009, I feel that we owe them some nice trip :

Future Trip Plan written on 2009

Yue is going to High School, Yuan is going to Grade 6.

To celebrate their studies and grow-up, and have high quality family time, the following dream travel plans are listed:
  1. Canada Railway - (2012 when Yue high school graduation)
  2. Europe Trip (2016 when Yue university and Yuan high school graduation)
  3. Around China Trip (2020 when Yuan university and Yue Master degree celbration)
  4. South-American Trip (2024 when Yuan is doing Doctor study)
We did not go Canada Railway last year, so maybe we should take a trip this summer. Since YueYuan show strong interest of China, and love Chinese food, culture, etc, also a big reason this maybe last chance we all family could do long trip together, and also YueYuan could see grandparents, therefore we seriously plan this summer China trip.

Due to hot weather in China's summer, we plan tours just on the north of China, not too far south from Long River.

1. XiAn, world famous Terra-Cotta Warriors, even though not huge deal for Chinese (we went there way back dating time, felt a bit boring :) 
can not miss: 兵马俑,历史博物馆,古城墙,大雁塔,华清池

2. JiuZhaiGou National Park (九寨沟),  美的让人无语,只能勉强用中文来苍白无力地描述:九寨归来不看水,溪河湖瀑飞动,静谧结合,一步一色、变幻无穷。 夏日的九寨沟掩映在苍翠欲滴的浓荫之中,去五彩池赏杜鹃花,去诺日朗观瀑布。用驴友的话来说:这美的也太不像话了吧:) - pictures to prove!

3.   ZhangJiajie National Park (张家界),Oscar Winner Avatar announced her beauty to the world.
can not miss: 1. 武陵源 2. 天门山. please see

I can not help to marvel(惊叹)the beauty of Chinese Mountain and Water (山水)!

Later I would love to plan detail out (旅游攻略大全), stay tuned...:)


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