OrthClass III reason and treatment

Class III: Mesiocclusion (prognathism,negative overjet) is when the lower front teeth are more prominent than the upper front teeth. In this case the patient very often has a large mandible or a short maxillary bone.

The reason:

The treatment:

1.Rapid Maxillary Expansion,RME
中文叫快速上颌扩弓()是口腔正畸中较常用的一种矫形方法.它使用机械矫形力分离腭中缝,扩大上颌牙弓,以治疗上颌牙弓狭窄,前、后牙反 ,上颌前突和牙列拥挤等.Angell在1860年最早报道上颌可以通过中缝分离侧向扩大时,还没有人相信[1].后来学者们通过动物和临床实验研究,肯定了RME的治疗效果. - 快速上颌扩弓和直丝弓矫治器联合使用能使牙弓、基骨宽度快速增加,对于治疗牙列拥挤的患者是一种安全、有效的方法.

A palatal expander, also known as a rapid palatal expander, rapid maxillary expansion appliance, palate expander or orthodontic expander, is used to widen the upper jaw so that the bottom and upper teeth will fit together better. Although the use of an expander is most common in children it can be and has successfully been used in adults, although the effects of expansion are slightly more uncomfortable. Also depending on the amount of correction may result in surgical separation of the top jaw. It is most often followed by braces to straighten out all the teeth now that room has been created.

The expansion process usually results in a large gap between the patient's 2 top front teeth, although this does not always happen. This gap is closed naturally and the teeth may overlap which leads to braces being needed. Sometimes with expanders, the patient has to turn the expansion screw themselves to tighten up the expander. For expansion that is not managed by the patient on the and lower jaw, a bionator may be a more suitable alternative.

Although it may vary from person to person, most usually feel slight pressure on their teeth. As the patient turns the expansion screw using the key, a space develops between the front two teeth. Some may notice a larger space while others do not notice a space at all. It usually takes several days to adjust to eating and speaking after first receiving the rapid palatal expander. Patients may experience pain and headaches while wearing palatal expanders and when the screw is turned. They may also feel a sore on their tongue from contact with the expander's metal bars.

Patients who have expanders may experience extra saliva and lisps (pronouncing the letter S as a T sound) or a slight 'hissing' S sound.

When the palatal expander is first removed, patients usually report that their mouth feels extremely big and spacious。

2. Protraction Facemask
Early Class III treatment often includes the use of a reverse-pull headgear with the intention of protracting the maxilla. Unfortunately, the untoward effects of dentoalveolar movements may also result with this type of treatment.


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