Tentative Plan

Well, the airplane is booked, and now it's time to start details/questions of the trip plan.

Just a reminder: 2 new luggages , China Visa for 3, and what else?

Basically we consider taking train instead of airplane unless no choice, since it's troublesome to go up and down. Also should we do group or self tour?

Added 2 days later: To cities it's better to take train, but to national park as JZG and ZJJ, it's better to fly, saving time. And since there is no return for us, self tour is the only choice.

Beijing - Xian 大概1200公里左右

北京到西安列车共17趟 列车时刻及票价查询

车次 出发-到达 发时-到时 运行时间 参考票价
G87 北京西 - 西安 14:00 - 18:40 4小时40分 二等软座 515.5 一等软座 824.5
G667 北京西 - 西安 17:38 - 23:05 5小时27分 二等软座 515.5 一等软座 824.5
G659 北京西 - 西安 12:08 - 17:35 5小时27分 二等软座 515.5 一等软座 824.5
G655 北京西 - 西安 10:05 - 15:43 5小时38分 二等软座 515.5 一等软座 824.5
G651 北京西 - 西安 07:05 - 12:48 5小时43分 二等软座 515.5 一等软座 824.5

Xian - JiuZhaiGou 共702.4公里
either fly to 黄龙 or train to 成都 then bus, not sure if it's good for July, may consult with the relatives in China. Looks it's better to go with group (旅游团)。

JiuZhaiGou - ChengDu - ZhangJiaJie 共1338.9公里
ZhangJiaJie - Nanjing (东南大学我的母校,泪流满面ing。。。)

Naning - Suzhou - Shanghai - Home —— back to Beijing.



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